Branding and services


By enacting these strategies and consistently following up with potential clients, your aviation staffing agency can improve its chances of securing contracts in Canada.

Securing contracts for a Canadian Aviation staffing agency

  • Forge Connections: Get out there and mingle with aviation companies, government agencies, and other relevant groups to uncover potential contract opportunities. Hang out at industry events, conferences, and trade shows to meet potential clients and catch wind of upcoming projects.
  • Go Digital: Check out online platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter to scope out Canadian aviation companies on the lookout for staffing services. Set up a profile for your agency on these sites to boost your visibility and draw in potential clients.
  • Join the Club: Become a member of cool industry associations like the Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council (CAMC) and the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) to rub elbows with potential clients and stay in the loop on what’s happening in the industry.
  • Keep Tabs on Government Stuff: Keep your eyes peeled for Canadian government tenders for aviation gigs that need staffing services. You can find them on sites like Buyandsell and MERX.
  • Referrals: Make sure your clients are happy campers by delivering top-notch service, and then ask them to spread the word about your agency to other aviation companies in Canada. Word of mouth can be a powerful thing!